Understanding the Master Numbers and the Role They Play

Master Numbers are double-digit numbers that are considered to be extra powerful and more energetically influential than the single-digit numbers. It is believed that they unlock astounding potential by naturally tapping into the unseen worlds. Individuals with these numbers in their personal Numerology chart may have a greater awareness of the hidden energies at play. … ContinueUnderstanding the Master Numbers and the Role They Play

The Birthday Number in Numerology and How to Find Yours

The birthday number is significant to one’s Numerology chart because it represents the natural talent that a person brings into the world. It is considered to be one of the most important numbers in a chart because it can reveal a special gift, skill, or ability that could be obvious within one’s personality. Conversely, it may be potential that is untapped or hidden. Whether each individual has knowledge of this talent depends upon their level of self-awareness. … ContinueThe Birthday Number in Numerology and How to Find Yours

What is Numerology and How is it Used?

People have been using numerology for centuries to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their relationships, and their life’s purpose. Although different than other divination practices, Numerology is an esoteric practice, like Astrology or Tarot. What sets Numerology apart, however, is that it is all about numbers! Even letters, such as those in someone’s name, can be converted into numbers. The idea is that everything works under a specific vibration and frequency. … ContinueWhat is Numerology and How is it Used?

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