To Everyone Who’s Ever Been Someone to Me

Although some endings have been quite painful and unexpected, others have been welcomed and desired. Regardless, every ending has been followed by a beginning, where it always takes some getting used to. Either way, something that I realize now is that you’ve got to make change or change will make you. … ContinueTo Everyone Who’s Ever Been Someone to Me

What Made Me Believe in Astrology

To my amazement, I found that both the human body and our planet Earth are made up of about 70-75% water. It is factual to say that water is crucial for life to exist on planet Earth. Nothing could survive without it. This is because all living creatures on Earth, like humans, are hydrogen-based. In the body, water plays an underappreciated and important role. It helps by regulating body temperature,  transporting nutrients, and removing waste, which is why severe dehydration can be deadly. … ContinueWhat Made Me Believe in Astrology

Asteroid Chiron, Through the Signs and Houses

Because of his wounds, suffering, and trauma, in astrology Chiron points to the wounded healer in us all. It shines a light on the trauma we carry with us throughout our lives. For many, these sources of deep pain are mainly from our childhoods and oftentimes due to our parents. This asteroid shows us where we struggle to heal and much of the time this is due to us not acknowledging this pain as existing or running from it and unconsciously giving it more power. … ContinueAsteroid Chiron, Through the Signs and Houses

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