The Fate Line of the Palm

One of the most prominent lines in palmistry is the fate line. Some people also call this line the destiny line. Similarly, others call it the Saturn line because it oftentimes points up toward the Saturn finger, which is the middle finger. Regardless, the fate line is believed to reveal important information about an individual’s life achievements, successes, failures, disappointments, and overall destiny. … ContinueThe Fate Line of the Palm

The Symbolism of the Hamsa

When we take all of the many symbols distributed within the Hamsa, we see that this hand is quite a powerful symbol. It contains both masculine and feminine elements from the thumbs, the protection and wisdom of the eye, and the transformative powers of the five. I’d also like to add that if there’s ever been a time in which I’ve received someone’s palm outstretched toward me, it has been indicative that I should stop whatever I’m doing that is apparently ruffling the feathers of the other person. … ContinueThe Symbolism of the Hamsa

What is Numerology and How is it Used?

People have been using numerology for centuries to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their relationships, and their life’s purpose. Although different than other divination practices, Numerology is an esoteric practice, like Astrology or Tarot. What sets Numerology apart, however, is that it is all about numbers! Even letters, such as those in someone’s name, can be converted into numbers. The idea is that everything works under a specific vibration and frequency. … ContinueWhat is Numerology and How is it Used?

How Well Do You Know the Zodiac Signs? Find Out Here on Our Quiz!

So, you think you can discern between a Gemini and a Virgo? You believe you know the difference between an Aries and a Leo? Can you tell what type of person is a Capricorn or a Taurus? Find out here! … ContinueHow Well Do You Know the Zodiac Signs? Find Out Here on Our Quiz!

The 5th House of Fun and Children in Astrology

The Fifth House is sometimes known as the Leo House. This means that Leo normally rules the fifth house and will have many similarities with the sign Leo. For example, Leo is sometimes known for being bright, fun, and dramatic. The 5th house possesses similar creative energy and may tell us where we find enjoyment. Meanwhile, … ContinueThe 5th House of Fun and Children in Astrology

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