The Symbolism of the Hamsa

When we take all of the many symbols distributed within the Hamsa, we see that this hand is quite a powerful symbol. It contains both masculine and feminine elements from the thumbs, the protection and wisdom of the eye, and the transformative powers of the five. I’d also like to add that if there’s ever been a time in which I’ve received someone’s palm outstretched toward me, it has been indicative that I should stop whatever I’m doing that is apparently ruffling the feathers of the other person. … ContinueThe Symbolism of the Hamsa

The Three Decans of Each Zodiac Sign

One concept that is often overlooked in astrological discussions is that of the decans. But what exactly are these decans, and how are they used in astrology? In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of the decans and explore their significance within each of the twelve zodiac signs and how the decans change the game. … ContinueThe Three Decans of Each Zodiac Sign

What is Numerology and How is it Used?

People have been using numerology for centuries to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their relationships, and their life’s purpose. Although different than other divination practices, Numerology is an esoteric practice, like Astrology or Tarot. What sets Numerology apart, however, is that it is all about numbers! Even letters, such as those in someone’s name, can be converted into numbers. The idea is that everything works under a specific vibration and frequency. … ContinueWhat is Numerology and How is it Used?

The Ancient History of Astrology: Early Civilizations and The Stars

Astrology, an ancient practice that has captivated civilizations for centuries, holds a rich history deeply intertwined with the development of human civilization. From the earliest recorded civilizations to the present day, astrology has played a significant role in shaping our understanding of the cosmos and our place within it. In this blog post, we will delve into some of astrology’s earliest roots, exploring its origins, its connection to ancient astronomers, and how it was utilized by various ancient civilizations. … ContinueThe Ancient History of Astrology: Early Civilizations and The Stars

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